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Old historical photographs 20.02.2022

aerial photography of Scotland in 1920

Old historical photographs 03.02.2022

#GazaUnderFire #GazaUnderAttack

Old historical photographs 27.01.2022

. ... . . ------ I call on the world peoples and leaders to support the peaceful and oppressed Palestinian people in their legitimate and just cause towards recovering their right, their land and their sanctuaries. Stop the killing and support the due owners of the right. Abandon silence and double standard policies, if we are truly working for peace. I pray to Allah to have mercy on the martyrs of Palestine and to shower them with mercy and forgiveness. ------ , , . . , . ------ Natoa wito kwa raia wote duniani pamoja viongozi kuungana na wananchi wa amani na wenye kudhulumiwa wa Palestina katika kadhia yao ya kisharia ili kurudisha haki yao ardhi yao na maeneo yao matakatifu, simamisheni mauaji na ninatoa wito kwa watu wa haki simamisheni ukimya na kupima mambo kwenye wizani mbili ikiwa kweli tunafanya kazi kwa ajili ya kusaka amani. Namuomba Mwenyezi Mungu awarehemu mashahidi wa Palestina na awagandishe kwenye huruma yake na msahama wake. ------ ------ Ich plädiere an alle Völker und Staatsführer, das unterdrückte friedliche palästinensische Volk in seiner legitimen und gerechten Sache zur Wiederherstellung seiner Rechte, seines Landes und seiner heiligen Stätten zu unterstützen. Stoppt den Mord und unterstützt den Berechtigten! Genug mit dem Schweigen und der Doppelmoral, wenn wir wirklich für den Frieden agieren. Ich bete zu Allah, dass Er Sich der Märtyrer Palästinas erbarme. Mögen sie in Seiner Gnade und Seiner Vergebung sein. ------- Rivolgo un appello ai popoli del mondo e ai loro leaders, a sostegno del popolo palestinese pacifico e oppresso nella sua causa legittima e giusta per il ripristino dei propri diritti e della propria terra e dei propri luoghi sacri; fermate le uccisioni e sostenete coloro che hanno diritto. Basta con il silenzio e il doppio standard, se vogliamo lavorare veramente per la pace. Imploro Allah di avere pietà dei martiri palestinesi e di effondere su di loro la Sua misericordia. ------- Saya menyeru masyarakat dunia beserta para pemimpinnya: untuk mendukung rakyat Palestina yang hidup damai dan tengah terzalimi dalam permasalahannya yang legal dan adil untuk merebut kembali haknya, tanahnya dan tempat-tempat sucinya. Hentikanlah pembunuhan, dukunglah pihak yang benar, dan berhentilah untuk tetap diam dan menggunakan standar ganda jika kita benar-benar berbuat untuk perdamaian!. Saya berdoa kepada Allah agar Ia Merahmati para syuhada Palestina dan Meliputi mereka dengan rahmat dan ampunan-Nya yang luas. ------- : ------- . . . ------- , , . , . . ------ J’appelle les peuples et dirigeants du monde à Soutenir le peuple palestinien pacifique et opprimé dans sa cause légitime et juste afin de recouvrer son droit, ses territoires et ses lieux sacrés. Je les invite, aussi, à arrêter les massacres et soutenir le détenteur du droit et mettre fin au silence et au système de deux poids deux mesures si nous travaillons vraiment ensemble pour la paix. Je prie Allah d’accorder miséricorde et pardon aux martyrs de Palestine. ------ Dünyann insanlarn ve liderlerini una davet ediyorum: Eer gerçekten bar istiyorsak savunmasz Filistin halkn kendi haklarn, topraklarn ve kutsallklarn geri almak için meru ve hakl davasnda destekleyin, öldürmeyi durdurmaya çaln, hak sahibi yannda durun ve artk sessiz kalmaktan vazgeçin! Tüm Filistinli ehitlerimize Allah rahmet eylesin mekânlar cennet olsun inallah. ------ Exorto a todos los pueblos y los líderes del mundo a apoyar al pueblo palestino pacífico y oprimido en su causa legítima y justa para que recupere sus derechos, su territorio y sus lugares sagrados. Detened el asesinato y respaldad al pueblo palestino. Si trabajamos de verdad por la paz, basta de silencio y política de doble rasero. Pido a Al-lah que tenga gran misericordia y perdón con los mártires de Palestina. ------ Exorto a todos los pueblos y los líderes del mundo para apoyar al pueblo palestino, pacífico y oprimido, en su causa legítima y justa; a fin de recuperar su derecho, su territorio y sus lugares sagrados. Detened el asesinato y respaldad al titular del derecho. Basta de silencio y doble rasero si realmente estamos trabajando por la paz. Que Allah tenga piedad de los mártires de Palestina, y que les conceda su misericordia y perdón. ------

Old historical photographs 29.12.2021

New york city 1958

Old historical photographs 24.12.2021

Imagine you were born in 1900. When you're 14, World War I begins and ends when you're 18 with 22 million dead. Soon after a global pandemic, the Spanish Flu, appears, killing 50 million people. And you're alive and 20 years old.... When you're 29 you survive the global economic crisis that started with the collapse of the New York Stock Exchange, causing inflation, unemployment and famine. When you're 33 years old the nazis come to power. When you're 39, World War II begins and ends when you're 45 years old with a 60 million dead. In the Holocaust 6 million Jews die. When you're 52, the Korean War begins. When you're 64, the Vietnam War begins and ends when you're 75. A child born in 1985 thinks his grandparents have no idea how difficult life is, but they have survived several wars and catastrophes. Today we have all the comforts in a new world, amid a new pandemic. But we complain because we need to wear masks. We complain because we must stay confined to our homes where we have food, electricity, running water, wifi, even Netflix! None of that existed back in the day. But humanity survived those circumstances and never lost their joy of living. A small change in our perspective can generate miracles. We should be thankful that we are alive. We should do everything we need to do to protect and help each other. This message should reach everyone. Please help me spread it. #ctto

Old historical photographs 25.10.2020

New york city 1958

Old historical photographs 09.10.2020

Imagine you were born in 1900. When you're 14, World War I begins and ends when you're 18 with 22 million dead. Soon after a global pandemic, the Spanish Flu, appears, killing 50 million people. And you're alive and 20 years old.... When you're 29 you survive the global economic crisis that started with the collapse of the New York Stock Exchange, causing inflation, unemployment and famine. When you're 33 years old the nazis come to power. When you're 39, World War II begins and ends when you're 45 years old with a 60 million dead. In the Holocaust 6 million Jews die. When you're 52, the Korean War begins. When you're 64, the Vietnam War begins and ends when you're 75. A child born in 1985 thinks his grandparents have no idea how difficult life is, but they have survived several wars and catastrophes. Today we have all the comforts in a new world, amid a new pandemic. But we complain because we need to wear masks. We complain because we must stay confined to our homes where we have food, electricity, running water, wifi, even Netflix! None of that existed back in the day. But humanity survived those circumstances and never lost their joy of living. A small change in our perspective can generate miracles. We should be thankful that we are alive. We should do everything we need to do to protect and help each other. This message should reach everyone. Please help me spread it. #ctto

Old historical photographs 06.10.2020

a fine day in new York 1920

Old historical photographs 16.09.2020

Who are ready to see the new pic

Old historical photographs 28.08.2020

Hi guys i need your help, I’m need to someone have a time to talk with me i need to improve my English a lot so if you can, send a message or make comment here on this post and I’ll continue with you Thanks ..

Old historical photographs 16.08.2020

This post for if you need see all posts you must put a comment like shape no.1 Because the Facebook see only the active accounts

Old historical photographs 25.07.2020

I'm so sorry for delay for publishing pic so i'll back soon , just i was had a lot of attention and exam sad to delay for publishing,hope forgive me Wael.

Old historical photographs 20.07.2020

How is it going ?

Old historical photographs 04.07.2020

Hello and welcome my lovely fans i want saying I'm sorry for delay for publishing pic im don't glad for this, but I'll back again so soon Sorry again.