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Locality: Brooklyn, New York

Address: 2320 Ave U 11229 Brooklyn, NY, US


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Beit Juhuro 06.11.2020

Our beautiful sukkah has been built thanks to all the people who dedicated their time and effort to put this together. We will have the first festive Sukkot meal Friday evening. Sign up via the link: There is a suggested donation, Otherwise just use the code btjsukkot and it will be free. Everyone is welcome and there will be enough space and covid safety measures taken into account.... Chag Sameach! See more

Beit Juhuro 20.10.2020

Join Beit Juhuro this Friday, Saturday and Sunday for Sukkot Prayers and Festive Meals at Our Spacious Sukkah! Sign up here:

Beit Juhuro 03.10.2020

*Tonight- special event!* 9:45 pm Havdala and special meal Melave Malka 11:15 pm removing failed promises and curses Hatarat Nedarim ve’Klalot 11:45 pm Selichot last one for the season ... 1115 Ave U, between Coney Island and East 12th Tizku L’Shanim Rabot, Shanah Tova U’Metukah

Beit Juhuro 13.09.2020

*Beit Juhuro Gorsky Kavkazi synagogue and educational center PRESENTS*: 72 HOUR Spirtual Blitzkrieg: Shabbat Saturday Night/Selichot... Yom Kippur- Schedule for Shabbat Shuva - Parshat Haazinu *Friday, Sept. 25*: 6:20 pm - Minchah / Kabballat Shabbat 6:28 pm - Candle lighting *Shabbat day, Sept. 26*: 9:00 am - Shacharit 11:30 am - Kiddush If you would like to be a sponsor for this week’s or future Kiddush, please contact us 9173654185 1:30 pm Minchah For time being no Seuda shlishit in shul *Motzi Shabbat- Saturday Night!* 9:45 pm Havdala and special meal Melave Malka 11:15 pm removing failed promises and curses Hatarat Nedarim ve’Klalot 11:45 pm Selichot last one for the season *Erev Yom Kippur - Sunday Sept.27* 8:30 am - Shaharit, followed by delicious breakfast 6:30 pm - Kol Nidrei followed by arvit *Yom Kippur day - Monday Sept. 28* 8:30 am - Shacharit 10:30 am - Yizkor and Torah reading 4:30 pm - Mincha 6:00 pm - Neilah Fast will end by 7:24 please note that we will be pre-selling the aliyot to save precious time on Yom Kippur, if you are interested purchasing one please contact 9173654185 we will send an updated list of what’s left for sale Sunday Morning! PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT MASKS WILL BE REQUIRED. 1115 Ave U, between Coney Island and East 12th Tizku L’Shanim Rabot, Shanah Tova U’Metukah

Beit Juhuro 27.08.2020

Baruch HaShem the 6:30 Selichot minyan is going great, 3 days in raw! Join us tomorrow and Friday to catch the last days of these special prayers before the Yom Kipur

Beit Juhuro 27.07.2020

Ladies First Class with Rabbi Zitron tomorrow at Beit Juhuro's new home! Location: 1115 Ave U (East 12th St)

Beit Juhuro 15.07.2020

The last Shabbat of the year, and a new beginning for Beit Juhuro! We would like to invite you to our new location this Friday night and Shabbat. Kiddush is Sponsored by Abramov Family L’iluy Nishmat their Father, Nathan Tolik Ben Yedidye. Последний шаббат года, и новое начало для Бейт Джууро! Приглашаем вас в эту пятницу в 6:30 вечера на открытие синагоги.... Киддуш проспонсирован семьей Абрамовых для возвышения души их Отца Натан Толик Бен Едидье. See more

Beit Juhuro 04.07.2020

Great NEWS We have a New Home for Beit Juhuro - 1115 Ave U Friends, we need your help to get this beautiful space up and running as a house of God. What a great way to prepare for the day of judgement help open up a synagogue and a house of study these are some of the time sensitive items Beit Juhuro needs ASAP:... Tables and chairs Refrigerator Prayer books for weekdays in English and Russian Talits Maahzors for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur Bimah and Aron Kodesh Sefer Torah Hot water urn, paper goods and supplies Demolition and clean up Sukkah, decorations, light fixtures May Hashem bless you and your families and answer your prayers during the upcoming days of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kipur! With God's help we are planning to open as soon as this Shabbat! Please forward to friends and family! P.S. this is our temporary home for the next couple months while we are finalizing the permanent location. Most of the items that will be donated during this campaign will be moved to the permanent location. If you prefer to donate directly via QuickPay / Zelle or PayPal please send to following email: [email protected]

Beit Juhuro 27.06.2020

Parashat Ki Tavo Times indicated for NYC Candle lighting 704 Shabbat ends 8:02 Weekly Torah Portion with Beit Juhuro ... "- - -" "...You have affirmed this day that the LORD is your God, that you will walk in His ways, that you will observe His laws and commandments and rules, and that you will obey Him. And the LORD has affirmed this day that you are, as He promised you, His treasured people who shall observe all His commandments..." Why did the Jews become the chosen people of God? Because initially the Jewish people chose God and believed in Him with all their heart. It is necessary to accept His will with perfect faith and loving heart. Only in this way can we feel the presence of Hashem in our lives and He will lead us down a happy path and hear our prayers, requests, desires. Shabbat Shalom Follow us on: See more

Beit Juhuro 15.06.2020

Недельная глава КИ-ТАВО Время указано для Нью Йорка Зажигание свечей 7:04 Шаббат заканчивается 8:02 Недельная глава с Бейт Джууро ... "- - -" "Сегодня вы провозгласили, что Господь будет вашим Богом, а вы будете следовать Его путями, соблюдать Его законы, заповеди и установления, исполнять Его волю А Господь провозгласил сегодня, что вы будете Его народом, Его сокровищем, как Он и обещал вам, и [что вы должны] соблюдать все Его заповеди" (ДВАРИМ, 26:17-18) Почему евреи стали избранным народом Бога, который подарил нам Тору? Потому что изначально еврейский народ выбрал единственного Бога и верил в него всем сердцем, любовью и с огоньком в душе. Нужно безукоризненно и с любовью принимать Все-го и его волю. Только так мы можем почувствовать присутствие Все-го в своей жизни и он поведет нас по счастливый дороге и услышит наши молитвы, просьбы, желания. Шаббат Шалом Follow us on: See more

Beit Juhuro 03.06.2020

UPDATE: 100+ downloaded the app in the past few weeks! Shori - An app for the Gorsky-Kavkazi people to find their soulmate! Personal matchmaker, full privacy. Download it today !... The app can be downloaded here: iPhone app:

Beit Juhuro 31.05.2020

Gorsky Wednesday tonight at 8:30