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Joshua Alvarez 27.05.2021

Each person comes into this world with a specific destinyhe has something to fulfill, some message has to be delivered, some work has to be completed. You are not here accidentallyyou are here meaningfully. There is a purpose behind you. The whole intends to do something through you. - Osho

Joshua Alvarez 18.05.2021

One of the most important things that I've learned throughout my experiences in life is the undeniable truth that anyone is capable of achieving what they set their minds to, as long as they have their hearts and their ambitions in the right place. I believe that every human being has something about themselves that makes them special. But the reason why we tend to have depressive episodes is due to being unaware of our purpose. And I believe that life is truly about discover...ing the reason as to why we are here. Without realizing this we tend to have lack of motivation, self-doubt, insecurities, etc. But no one should feel as though they are weak in any way because I believe these are the obstacles people need to face in order to build their character and become the person they were meant to be. I've chosen to leave it at - everyone is trying their best. I as well used to be in that same position. So, I've developed that empathy and understanding towards everyone's situation. People may not have encountered the same information that we have come across as of yet which is why I believe we should give people time to flourish and grow. We could even help them on their journey by showing them our support, but the worst thing that we can do is make them feel down about themselves. Make them feel as though they are incapable of achieving anything. And that is not true. Here is hoping that every human being learns to overcome the flaws within themselves, and ultimately discover peace from within so they may share it with their family members and their friends.

Joshua Alvarez 05.05.2021

To have compassion means to have passion for all things, not just between two people, but for all human beings, for all things of the earth, the animals, the trees, everything the earth contains. When we have such compassion we will not despoil the earth as we are doing now, and we will have no wars. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Joshua Alvarez 23.04.2021

People are just like flowers Some are loved, some are judged. Some are cared, some are forgotten. Some are known, some are not. But again, just like flowers.... We are all born beautiful. In our own different ways. But not everyone sees that. And like a wilted flower. Some will fade, some will die. Because some will give up. But some will survive. - p.m See more

Joshua Alvarez 05.04.2021

I am not this hair. I am not this skin. I am the soul that lives within. - Rumi

Joshua Alvarez 31.03.2021

reflecting I am constantly reminded how essential is the role of a human being whom is compassionate, loving, and sincere.... I believe the presence of this individual is crucial towards the betterment of humanity. Through their actions, they are changing society’s course by providing the people they come across with a different perspective on how we should treat one another. They do more good than they do harm in this world. And they bring out the best in others by reassuring them what makes life truly meaningful. Which is, to care about each other and treat one another with courtesy and respect. Through their actions, they are making human empathy the standard.

Joshua Alvarez 28.03.2021

(re-upload) The most beautiful aspect about spreading my mental health awareness message which reads I am grateful for your existence on this earth. is mainly because I have the opportunity to meet people from... all different parts of the world and I am able to build relationships with them because they are affected by the words that I have written on my sign. I believe there is no other meaningful way to meet someone then through something positive. And I spent the weekend with three wonderful women while they were visiting new york city for the first time. This is an experience that I will cherish for the rest of my life. I am very grateful that Camille was open enough towards meeting a new person and inviting them into her life. I asked if I could spend the day with her, and I had the chance to meet her cousin Marie and her friend Megan whom were both very kind to me. And I shared moments with them which I hold dear to my heart such as having meaningful conversations and learning more about who they are as people, having lunch and dinner together, slowly learning the french language and revisiting parts of new york city that I haven’t seen in awhile such as the empire state building, central park, the brooklyn bridge and bush-wick. I accompanied them on their last days before heading home. And I was more than pleased to drop them off at the John F. Kennedy airport to take their flight home. And as I was leaving, I couldn’t stop looking at the place that they were before because I couldn’t believe we were saying goodbye. I am thankful that I was able to contribute to their time in new york city. That is all that I could have ever wanted to do. They have made an impact on my life, just as much as they believe I have made a impact in their life. They have made a home in my heart. I will miss them. And I will never forget them. Au revior. For Camille. For Megan. For Marie. Music: Masamichi Amano - Memories of the Orphanage

Joshua Alvarez 12.03.2021

-flowers from a stranger- 03.01.2020. I was pursuing my mental health awareness project... I am grateful for your existence on this earth. in Times Square, 42nd street. This has become a consistent routine for myself during the evenings because I am reminded how much of an impact I can make by reassuring people that their presence is appreciated and valued by a complete stranger. I’ve had people communicate with me how lonely or depressed they’ve been feeling and how my sign has helped cheered them up by providing them with hope. Which is why I urge everyone to pursue projects that they have because you never know how much of a difference you can make in someone’s life even if that involves one person. I was approached by a beautiful young woman with dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, hoop earrings, and a whitish complexion whom offered me a bouquet of white flowers with her left hand gripping them. Afterwards when I thanked her, we gave each other a warm hug. This is the first time that I have ever been offered flowers by a woman before. I am aware that flowers eventually wither away but I believe it’s the intention that matters the most. I couldn’t refuse because I could only imagine how this moment could’ve meant to her. Taking the time out of your day to do something good for another human being and having it appreciated is one of the greatest feelings. When I asked her, why did you do this for me? She told me that she bought flowers but she didn’t know who to give them to and I was the first person that she had seen. She told me there was no agenda behind her actions. Most importantly, she told me because I share my happiness and my love with others (through my sign project). That was one of the sweetest things that anyone could have said to me. I believe all women are (physically) beautiful. But what matters the most is where their heart is as a person and as a human being. She couldn’t possibly understand how a moment like this could have an affect on my life. I hold the words that she said dear to my heart. I don’t know her name or her contact information. But I will never forget what she did for me and I will never forget this day, in general.

Joshua Alvarez 23.02.2021

Reminder: Always make sure to acknowledge how hard people are trying. The amount of effort and time they put into starting their day each morning despite how they may be feeling is one of the strongest things that any human being can do. Reassure them that the battle... they are facing is not for nothing. Every hardship that we experience in life is only meant to aid us in becoming the best human beings that we can be. We become more empathetic and mindful towards the pain of those around us due to having been in similar situations. In the process, we transition into better people. For ourselves and for those involved in our lives. What’s important to remember is many people have tried their best today and if given the opportunity, they can try their best tomorrow.

Joshua Alvarez 14.02.2021

02.09.2020. I visited this museum for the first time and it was a very nice experience. I have to made the decision to start visiting museums throughout new york city whenever I have the opportunity... and start showcasing my photography. See more

Joshua Alvarez 28.01.2021

the wonders of a woman written by: joshua alvarez Chapter 1. Introduction ...Continue reading

Joshua Alvarez 25.01.2021

The greatest gift that you can provide to another human being is acceptance for who they are. Because you are communicating with them that their complexities, imperfections, flaws, are not foreign. And that it’s all a part of the human experience. We live in a society where in order to feel accepted we need to put on a false appearance which is one of the root causes as to why people are unhappy.... They are replacing what makes them special for temporary gratification. In the end, you are the only people whom are capable of helping yourselves feel fulfilled. By uncovering the specific qualities and traits that you possess which allow you stand out thus implementing them into the world. And once you do, you won’t have the urge to compare yourselves with people or feel the need to be in competition with people on being the better person because you’ll have awareness on what makes you unique from everyone else. To accept someone without hesitation, without judgement, and to welcome them with open arms. Reassuring them that’s okay to be themselves, is it’s own form of beautiful. I believe that is the definition of unconditional love.

Joshua Alvarez 13.01.2021

Be who you are. That’s the greatest person that you can be, and the most important thing that you have to understand about this life.... We have to be very satisfied with who we are as people and we have to be able to look ourselves in the mirror each morning despite our flaws and despite the mistakes that we make, which is why it’s important to be empathetic and understanding towards ourselves because only then will we be able to propound that same energy towards others. And in doing so, you could come to the realization that you have gifts that far outshine anyone else in a certain way (not in a competitive way). Just in a natural way. Please don’t be afraid to allow your light to shine in your own way. The problem with society in our day and age is, they are constantly trying to compete with each other and as long as you have the mindset that you have to be better than someone than you will always be dissatisfied because you are focusing on what other people have rather than appreciating what you have. I believe that each and every individual has specific attributes about themselves that makes them unique. And the reason why you do not possess what someone else has is simply because you were not gifted in that way. But instead of trying to investigate and uncover your own potential, you are trying to covet other people’s gifts. This is why we have to focus on scrutinizing envy (which is an engineered emotion) because envy is more intense than jealousy. Jealousy is when you want something that someone else has. Envy is when you actually want to be in the place of that someone else and the only way that you can do that is by removing that person. Do not try to be someone else because all you are doing is degrading yourselves in the process. You should appreciate and respect the gifts and talents that other people possess without comparison. And use them as inspiration towards improving your own gifts and talents thus focusing on implementing them into the world.