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Locality: New York, New York

Phone: +1 888-536-1434

Address: 99 Madison Ave Fl 6 10016 New York, NY, US

Website: www.ryannekonanlawoffice.com

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Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 07.01.2021

This administration does not really care about non-immigrants. Some non immigrants have to transit throughout Europe to reach their country however, because of the travel ban, they can’t . For a huge crisis like this COVID-19, no TPS has yet to be granted by Trump. Obama did grant TPS for countries affected with Ebola.

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 05.11.2020

Happy New Year to y’all! Ryanne Konan Law Office wishes you a happy new year 2020! We shall overcome once more.Happy New Year to y’all! Ryanne Konan Law Office wishes you a happy new year 2020! We shall overcome once more.

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 24.10.2020

January 01,2020! Can’t wait! Because the DA’s nightmare starts and criminal defense Attorneys’ life get easier! What I love the most is the disclosure of those grand jury minutes and the new rule about CPL 30.30. It is just great!January 01,2020! Can’t wait! Because the DA’s nightmare starts and criminal defense Attorneys’ life get easier! What I love the most is the disclosure of those grand jury minutes and the new rule about CPL 30.30. It is just great!

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 11.10.2020

For those who need a brief about immigration bond based upon DUI Convictions. This is the second time I am getting the same judge reversed. It won't get the message. deux fois je renverse la decision du juge en appel. bon ca va prendre 6 mois pour traduire en français

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 07.10.2020

Ryanne Konan Law Office is now admitted in the Second Circuit. The fight is on! Ryanne Konan admis maintenant dans la cour d’appel du 2ème circuit

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 27.09.2020


Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 17.09.2020

Suis au USA.c'est la période de la Green card loterie. Puis je jouer ? La repose demain dimanche à 16h sur Facebook live. I am in the US as an immigrant.This is the green card lottery period. Could I be eligible?... Follow me on Facebook live video this Sunday at 4 pm. Thank you

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 13.09.2020

The Job becomes harder when an attorney does not know whether or not he should stand to the left or to the right of the client before the Court. To make it easy , an attorney should always stand between the client and the Assistant district attorney. Ca devient difficile quand l’avocat ne sait pas s’il doit se tenir à droite ou à gauche du client. Retenez que l’avocat doit être toujours entre le client et le procureur de la république devant le juge.

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 31.08.2020

I have to pack up for Atlanta Immigration Court again. The BIA reversed the Immigration Judge and remanded the case. Je dois faire mes baggages pour la cour d'Atlanta encore. La cour d'appel vient de casser la decision du juge d'immigration .

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 29.08.2020

Another battle won on Thursday June 6,2019 at the Batavia Immigration Court. Client granted Cancellation of removal after a hearing!Another battle won on Thursday June 6,2019 at the Batavia Immigration Court. Client granted Cancellation of removal after a hearing!

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 20.08.2020

Please Join me to congratulate Mr. Singo for this great and prestigious achievement. He Became a U.S Citizen today. When I first came to the U.S in 2000, he was among the people who taught me English. It has been a great honor to have him as a client . The party is still going on if you can make it!... God always provides for his children. See more

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 15.08.2020

I , from the bottom of my heart, wish a Merry Christmas to all my clients. I would not have made it this far without your great support. May God bless and continue to do so until the breaking of this World !I , from the bottom of my heart, wish a Merry Christmas to all my clients. I would not have made it this far without your great support. May God bless and continue to do so until the breaking of this World !

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 26.07.2020


Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 26.07.2020

Great ! What a relief! What a huge relief! Matter of A-B has been reversed by the District Court of Thr District of ColumbiaGreat ! What a relief! What a huge relief! Matter of A-B has been reversed by the District Court of Thr District of Columbia

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 23.07.2020

After Party Watch movie here: http://bit.ly/2x40uM5

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 21.07.2020

Président Trump has put together a denaturalization task force with the mission to revoke certain individuals’ citizenship and deport them. Who is really concerned? I will address it in a video here on my page this Sunday at 2:00 pm EST for the English part and 3:00 pm for the French portion. Stay tuned! Preside Trump a mis une force spécial en place avec pour mission d’arracher la nationalité à certaines personnes et de les rapatrier. Qui est concerné par cette mesure? Je ferai une vidéo sur ma page ce dimanche à 2:00 pm heure de New York pour la partie anglaise et 15h heure de New York pour la partie française. Restez branchés sur ma page. Merci!

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 10.07.2020

ICE Arrests 400th Foreign Fugitive in the fiscal year 2017. According to ICE, the majority of the arrests took place in New York, New Jersey, California, Arizona and Texas. L'Immigration announce que dans l'année fiscal 2017, ils ont arrêtés 400 fugitifs. La majorité des arrestations s'est déroulée à New York, New Jersey, California, Arizona and Texas.

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 04.07.2020

Happy Fourth of July to y'all that have put your faith and trust in Ryanne Konan Law Office. I would like to express my gratitude.

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 18.06.2020

Je repartage cette émission pour vous rafraîchi la mémoire sue ce que j'avais prévenu avec Trump.

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 06.06.2020

I argued before the Appellate Division Second Department today in Putnam County. It was the first time the appellate division was holding hearing here in Putnam County. I was facing the Orange County District Attorney Office. It was pretty challenging. I think we did pretty well. We shall overcome with the blessing of God.... Thank y'all for your support

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 21.05.2020

La Cour D'appel donne raison a Ryanne Konan. On ne plus rapatrier a New York, un immigrant condamner pour avoir une posséder une arme a feu. If you have any fr...iend or any relative who was deported for carrying a firearm in New York, Please call the Ryanne Konan Law Office. The BIA grants the Motion to Reopen for an immigrant who was ordered deported in 2013 for possession of a firearm in New York. Ryanne Konan Law Office has set a precedent and changed the law in New York. Conviction for possession of a firearm is no longer a deportable offense in New Yor because the New York Statute is broader than that of the Federal one.. See more

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 04.04.2020

To you all, clients, clients' families and parents, I wish you a very pleasant and Merry Christmas. I hope Ryanne Konan Law Office met your expectations. You have been great.... Merry Christmas!

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 20.03.2020

All immigration fees are going up on December 23,2016. Tous les frais pour les formes d'immigration augmenterons le 23 Décembre 2016.

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 18.03.2020

A partir du 1er Octobre 2016, tous les demandeurs de visas pour les USA de plus de 15 ans devront se soumettre au test de la gonococcie. All applicants for a US Visa 15 years of age and older will be tested for gonorrhea.

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 27.02.2020

This is a dark day for all immigrants who were expecting something more from the United State Supreme Court. Because of politics, immigrants would have to suffer for a long time period again. In fact, President Obama's proposition , DAPA and DACA extension, that would have provided some legal status to at least some of the immigrants present on the American soil, did not make it through the Supreme Court. ... The vote was 4-4, which to me, is not based upon the law, not based upon what the constitution states , but based upon political beliefs. I can only wish or dream that Congress will step up one of these days, and solve this issue because it is curable . May God bless America All the best

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 16.02.2020

Ryanne Konan Law Office wishes you a happy year 2016!

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 04.02.2020

Ryanne Konan Law Office wishes you and your family a Merry Christmas !

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 27.12.2019

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays to each of you! May God Bless you in the coming New Year. Joyeux Noel et bonne année! Que Dieu vous bénisse dans la nouvelle année à venir.

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 12.12.2019

Ryanne Konan Law Office wishes you a Merry Christmas and thanks you for your support. May God bless you because we would not have survived without you!

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 25.11.2019

Join us tonight at 9:00pm EST at AbidjanTV.net for an informative night, discussing IMMIGRATION reform! Rejoignez-nous à AbidjanTV.net pour une soirée d'information, discuter de la réforme IMMIGRATION !

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 14.11.2019

I wish y'all Happy Thanksgiving ! You have all been great clients and I hope that I met all your expectations . Je me joins a Ryanne Konan Law Office pour vous souhaiter tous Happy Thanksgiving ! Vous avez tous été merveilleux et j'espère que de mon côté, je ne vous ai pas déçu !

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 25.10.2019

Pour toutes les victimes d'excision qui vivent aux USA, appelez Ryanne Konan pour vos papiers D'immigration! Pour tous ceux qui ont été victime de crimes ou de Domestic violence, appelez pour vos papiers d'immigration

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 11.10.2019

La cour d'appel dit non au Juge du Texas. MR. Ed be doit pas etre rapatrie BIA reverses thé Immigration Judge ruling. Courtesy of Ryanne Konan Law Office.

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 26.09.2019

Comment J'ai corrige l'Ambassade des USA a Abidjan qui Appliquait une mauvaise loi aux ivoiriens immigrants depuis belle lurette. Mon client a ete refuse le visa en 2009 parce qu'il n'avait pas de sponsor. Sa mere est venu me voir en 2014 et J'ai repris tout le dossier. Quand tu viens en tant qu'immigrant aux USA( pas en tant que non immigrant), il te faut un sponsor c-a-dire quelqu'1 qui prend l'engagement qu'il s'occupera de toi Si jamais tu deviens in charge publiq.... Mais quand une personne vient pour etre americain, elle n'a pas besoin de sponsor. Les enfants qui ont leur parents americains aux USA et qui ont moins de 18 ans, deviennent automatiquement americains des qu'ils foulent le sol americain. Mon client a sa mere americaine. Il a 13 ans et est alle a l'ambassade ce matin pour prendre son visa. Le consult lui retorque qu'il a besoin d'un sponsor. La mere m'appelle tout de suite pour m'informer. Je prends le telephone et on met le consult qui est aussi juriste au telephone. On discute pendant 30 minutes. Il me dit que c'est la loi qu'il applique et que tout immigrant a besoin de sponsor. Je lui dis de bien examiner la loi parce qu'il se trompe. Il met hold et va bien examiner. Il revient et me dit ceci: maitre Konan, tu as raison, il n'a pas besoin de sponsor. J'appelle la mere qui est tres contente. Depuis tout ce temps, c'est cette loi ils appliquaient et ont refuse le visa a beaucoup d'ivoiriens. C'est ca aussi quand tu n'es pa represente.

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 15.09.2019

Pour les ressortissants de la guinee Conakry, Sierra Leonne et Liberia vivant aux USA, le dernier delai pour vous regulariser vu de l'epidemie Ebola ,est fixe au 20 Mai 2015. Le Gouvernment Americain a decide de vous regulariser parce que vos pays ont ete victime de l'Ebola. Contactez Ryanne Konan Law The deadline to apply for TPS is May 20,2015. This concerns immigrants from Guinee , Sierra Leone and Liberia only.

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 09.09.2019

The Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) remanded the matter to the District Director in order to review his decision denying a visa to a U.S. Citizen daughter af...ter an appeal filed by Ryanne Konan, Esq. La cour d'Appeal a dit non a gouvernment americain qui a refuse le visa a une fille camerounaise apres l'appel de Ryanne Konan, Esq. Voir la decision ici jointe. Ici au moins, la cour peut dire non au gouvernement.

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 04.09.2019

Lacour dit non au gouvernement qui a refuse le visa a une camerounaise sur appel de Ryanne Konan, Esq.

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 19.07.2019

You can only be proud of yourself as an attorney when you get a card like this from a satisfied client. Quand un client est satisfait de ton travail, il t'envoie une carte comme celle ci!

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 05.07.2019

Ryanne Konan Law Office wishes you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thank you for all your support. We are and will always remain by your side. Four years already! We could not have made without you!

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 15.06.2019

If you are from Liberia, Sierra Leone or Guinee Conakry, you might be eligible for legal status in the U.S. Call the Ryanne Law Office for a consultation Si vous etes du Liberia, la Guinee Conakry ou de la Sierra Leone, vous pouvez legaliser votre situation aux USA. Appelez immediatement l'Office de Ryanne Konan pour une consultation.

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 26.05.2019

President Obama will take a substantial step tomorrow and fix our broken immigration system. It was about time. Executive action and action from Congress are not mutually exclusive to one another. Let just hope that this new executive action covers everyone and not part of the undocumented aliens. Tomorrow will tell! Wait and see!

Ryanne Konan Law Office and Legal Services 17.05.2019

Today is Election Day! However, if you are not a U.S. citizen, you are not suppose to vote. If you are a green card holder and you vote, you are removal and there is no immigration attorney in this world that can save you because there is no waiver available! Aujourd'hui C'est le jour des elections! Cependant si tu n'es pas citiyennete americain, ne vas pas voter. Si tu as la green card et que tu votes, tu es rapatriable et aucun avocat d'Immigration dans ce Monde ne pourra te sauver Parce qu'il n'y a pas de waiver valable. Ryanne KONAN, Esq. Avocat D'Immigration