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Locality: Lincklaen, New York

Phone: +1 315-857-1234

Address: 1951 County Rt. 12 13052 Lincklaen, NY, US

Website: frontierflc.wixsite.com/frontierflc

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Frontier Family Life Church 05.01.2021

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Frontier Family Life Church 25.12.2020

We've been given such an awesome privilege by God's grace. Our eyes and ears have been opened, and our hearts made privy to things beyond the world's comprehens...ion. They may not understand, but we're responsible because Jesus said: "But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear. For truly, I say to you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it. (Matthew 13:16-17 ESV)" Are you really paying attention to what is being said in this dispensation? There's a prophetic generation awakening. The oracle gifts of God have been summoned to speak boldly with His authority. Clearly God has something to say to our generation. Have you asked Holy Spirit to open the eyes and ears of your heart with His understanding? It was said of the Old Testament prophets that: "It was then disclosed to them that the services they were rendering were not meant for themselves and their period of time, but for you. [It is these very] things which have now already been made known plainly to you by those who preached the good news (the Gospel) to you by the [same] Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Into these things [the very] angels long to look! (1 Peter 1:12 AMP)" How much more can be revealed under the umbrella of God's grace? If you pay attention, you may see and hear things angels have yet to learn. It's time to awaken and stand ready, as discerning watchers. The things unfolding before us point to one thing. Time's a-waistin! #NoTimeForGames #ItsAboutToGetReal

Frontier Family Life Church 19.12.2020

It's the thirteenth day of the 21 Day Praise Challenge. How is everyone doing with your assignment? Let me hear from you. The heart of worship is blind... Blinded by a love for Who it can't naturally see... Blind to any inhibitions that would hinder it from touching the target of its affection... Blind to the natural surroundings that serve as distractions... Blinded by an unwavering relentless faith that won't stop until it's only objectives are reached: to cause God's hear...t to respond, to feel the warmth of His embrace, to experience the depth of His heart's limitless love, blinded by the light of His glory. #John9blindness ~Pastor Kevin Westcott~

Frontier Family Life Church 03.12.2020

As darkness tries to overshadow what God is doing around the world this has to be said. Please take a few minutes to read it. No believer has a deficit of joy.... I wonder, how many really know that? Joy isn't an emotion. It's a possession that Jesus Christ gave to His disciples. Listen to what He said: These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. (John 15:11 NKJV) The source of our joy is in the things Jesus said to us, specifically the things recorded in John 15:9-10 just before this statement. Let's look at those for a minute. As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. (John 15:9-10 NKJV) It should give you inexpressible joy just to know that Jesus Christ loves you just as much as the Father loves Him. That's an unconditional, limitless, eternal love that God wants you to experience. Jesus told us to live in that place, the place of His love. Dwelling within the love of God means it fully houses you inside of it. Do you understand that you're fully enclosed within God's love? Doesn't that make you joyful? The key according to Jesus is to "keep" His commandments. He said to love The Lord your God with all your heart (spirit), strength (body), and soul (mind, intellect, reason, emotions), and love your neighbor (everyone else) the way you love yourself. Then you'll reside in the place called God's love. To "keep" these things as the original language intends is to stand watch over them as a priceless item would be guarded by a century. In other words value them so much that you wouldn't allow the "thief" (Satan or any of his demons, principalities, or deceived ones) to steal them from your heart. What Jesus was saying is that we have to know His Word, guard our heart from the enemy so we hold fast to His Word, and outwardly live according to the examples He gave us in His Word by walking in His love by faith. His joy is freely given to us as we live according to His Word. There is no measure to His joy. He said His joy would remain in us, and our joy would be full. What the original language really says is that His joy would over flowingly fill us. That's an over the top spilling over joy! That's a ceaseless joy that never ends, a joy that always remains in you! There is no deficit of joy in a believer's life, but there can be a lack of understand that Jesus' joy is our possession. Circumstances may seek to destroy our hope, rob us of our joy, and kill us inside, but we have the overflowing eternal Joy of The Lord! In the face of adversity we can stand and say: I will rejoice in the LORD, I will (express) joy in the God of my salvation. (Habakkuk 3:18 NKJV) [emphasis added in parenthesis]. Why is the joy of The Lord so important a possession? Because the joy of The Lord is your strength. When you respond to things with a joyful outlook praise flows out of you. Praise is the pathway into God's presence. It's there we find enduring strength to wage war against the enemy, and protection in "Daddy's" strong arms as the battle rages. Stand firm, stay calm, and grab hold of that joy! Show it off in the face of the enemy. Nothing could intimidate him more.

Frontier Family Life Church 25.11.2020

It's the 12th day of the 21 Day Praise Challenge. "Let all those who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; And let those who love Your salvation say continually, Let God be magnified! Psalms 70:4 NKJV" I want to emphasize the word "magnify" from this verse. We undertand it to mean to enlarge in sight. In its original Hebrew root it has a far more significant meaning. It is derived from the word "gadal". The root meaning of gadal is to twist together, such as how a rope is ...made. This implies a tightening relationship, or deeper intimacy with someone. Taking it a step furthur, in context it means to cause to grow, to praise in a way that makes someone greater, intensifying their power. We get our heart twisted together with God's heart by pressing deeper into intimacy in our relationship with Him. When we reach this place of spiritual connection, and begin to exclaim the ecstasy of that experience, we will magnify the Lord with our praise. Our words will describe the greatness of God, and the majesty of His power will grow in our site as His tangible manifested presence joins us to enjoy us in that moment. Do you love His salvation? Enter into His beautiful holiness and get twisted up in His heart. It will wreck you. You won't be the same afterward, and your image of Him will become much larger than ever before. ~Pastor Kevin~

Frontier Family Life Church 23.11.2020

Today is day 11 in the 21 Day Praise Challenge. As I've said in my personal testimony of praise, praise is our path to victory. Praise shifts our focus off our circumstances and the enemy of our faith. Praise enables us to see our Champion face to face. We enter His gates with thanksgiving, we enter His courts with praise. So, this morning and throughout your day, understanding Christ is your victory, let out a shout of praise. ~Pastor Kevin "Oh, clap your hands, all you peo...ples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph! Psalms 47:1 NKJV https://youtu.be/e3RRU25dpPg

Frontier Family Life Church 10.11.2020

Normally this page represents God's vision for this church body, but what I'm about to say as the Pastor of Frontier Family Life Church is necessary, and timely. I've been really pressing in to the Lord to try to gaurd myself from all of the Politcochristianity and other things of the world that can distract me from my true assignment as a leader in God's family. Even still, I've failed at times, getting caught up in waves that have swept through my sources of information a...nd entertainment. I've listened, humbly repented, and learned from the Word of God and His voice. I find myself leaning more into Him because I know only He can accomplish through me what His heart desires, so I must know His heart more and more. I've been searching for the right words to articulate what I believe God would say to His church in this season. Twenty four and a half years ago, by the leading of the Lord, I submitted my growth as a believer and minister of Jesus Christ to John Carter because the Lord told me He would nurture me and release me to fulfill the call of God on my life theoug5 the process. I'm honored that he is still my Pastor, and today he spoke by a true unction of the Holy Spirit for the global church. This message humbled, corrected, encouraged, and therefore transformed me in ways only the Word of God and the power of His presence can. Please, please, please make time to quiet yourself, eliminate all distractions, and hear what the Lord is saying. ~Pastor Kevin Westcott~ https://youtu.be/8HTdyUnPiSs