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Traditionalist Catholic NYC 07.07.2021


Traditionalist Catholic NYC 23.06.2021

We are pleased to announce that Permits have been granted by the city for the two processions with the statue of of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Please check back ...for updates as we get closer to the Solemn Novena beginning July 6 and the Feast on July 16. Tuesday, July 13, 2021 104th Anniversary of the 3rd Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima 8th Night of the Solemn Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel 7:00 P.M. Rosary and Confessions 7:30 P.M. Novena Mass 8:15 P.M. Exposition, Novena Prayers and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament 8:30 P.M. Candlelight Procession with the statue of Our Lady of Fatima Thursday, July 15, 2021 9:00 P.M. Candlelight Procession following the 7:30 P.M. Vespers and Benediction Friday, July 16, 2021 10:00 A.M. - Feast Mass of the Day followed by the Grand Procession with the statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Traditionalist Catholic NYC 15.06.2021

Today is the 10th Anniversary of the arrival of the Canons Regular of St Augustine in Glen Cove! Celebrate with us tonight at a Solemn High Mass at St Rocco at 7pm. There will be a reception afterwards. Hope to see you there!

Traditionalist Catholic NYC 31.05.2021

ASPERGES ME La aspersión del agua bendita, cada domingo, antes de la Misa Mayor, recuerda a los fieles la santidad de su bautismo. El objetivo de este rito es e...xtremar la purificación del Altar y de los fieles antes de comenzar el acto del Sacrificio e invocar sobre ellos la asistencia del Santo Ángel, para que los guarde a todos, los enfervorice, los proteja y los visite en este momento solemne. del agua bendita, cada domingo, antes de la Misa Mayor, recuerda a los fieles la santidad de su bautismo. See more

Traditionalist Catholic NYC 07.11.2020

OUR LADY OF PONTMAIN It was in the winter of 1871, January 17th to be exact, in the village of Pontmain, France, Eugene Barbedette was busy in his father’s barn... helping prepare the animal feed. He stood briefly in the open doorway, admiring the beautiful evening. Suddenly the gaze of the 12 year old was held there, for opposite the barn and in a framework of stars, stood a beautiful lady motionless smiling at him. Do you see anything? he shouted to the others, Look, over there! Yes, cried his brother Joseph, a beautiful lady dressed in a blue robe with golden stars, yes, and blue shoes with golden bucklesand, she has a golden crown which is getting bigger, and a black veil. Since the father did not see her, he told the boys to get on with their work; then curiously, he asked, Eugene, do you still see anything? Yes, she’s still there, the boy answered and ran to fetch his mother; she saw nothing, but with a woman’s intuition, she thought it might be the Blessed Virgin and assembling the family gently, all prayed five Paters and Aves in honor of the Mother of God. She called for a nun at the convent next door, who brought her two little charges with her, the later, Francoise and Jean Marie, reaching the door of the barn, called out, Oh, look at that lovely lady with the golden stars! and clapped their hands with delight. The news spread quickly, people gathered, with them the cure, M. Guerin. The Magnificat was intoned, and Eugene shouted, Look what she is doing! Slowly a great white streamer unfolded and in large letters they read: Pray, my children, God will answer your prayers very soon. He will not allow you to be touched. The cure then intoned the hymn: My Sweet Jesus At that a red cross with the wounded body of Christ appeared before the Virgin, who held it. At the top in large red letters was written, Jesus Christ. The crowd burst into tears, while the cure ordered night prayers to be said; a white veil hid the vision, while our Lady smiled at the children, a smile which haunted them all through life with its beauty. Something of the sorrow of farewell was depicted on the faces of Eugene and Joseph, for the cure said quickly, Can you still see anything? No, it is quite finished, they answered. At the moment the message was being written in the sky, a messenger passing in front of the crowd had shouted, You may well pray, the Russians are at Laval. But they never entered it. On the 17th of January, at six o’clock at night, the very hour the Virgin appeared to the children of Pontmain, the division of soldiers, without apparent reason, received the order to retire. On the 28th of January, the armistice was signed at Versailles. After long and searching inquiry, Mgr. Wicart, the Bishop of Laval, proclaimed the authenticity of the vision, and at the very spot where Our Lady had appeared, a basilica was erected in honor of Our Lady of Hope of Pontmain. There the Queen of Heaven receives her countless children and gives them fresh hope in their trials, as she gave France peace in her hour of need. The basilica is a magnificent structure in the 13th century style, and one may still see the barn where Eugene and Joseph worked when Mary appeared. Our Lady of Pontmain, Mother of Hope and Queen of Peace, pray for us who have recourse to Thee!

Traditionalist Catholic NYC 01.11.2020

THE FOLLOWING IS A LETTER WRITTEN BY FRANCISCAN FRIAR OF THE RENEWAL FR. LOUIS MARIE LEONELLI WHICH HE GIVES PERMISSION TO FORWARD: October 16, 2020 Dear Friend...s and Family, I am writing this letter while waiting for my cancer cells to ingest injected radioactive glucose for a PET scan to determine if my recent immunotherapy has ‘instructed’ my immune system to attack the cancer on my kidney and in my spine, hip, heart and lungs. This event has helped me realize more clearly two seemingly contradicting realities: 1) that nothing matters in life except our relationship with God, and 2) that everything in our lives matter our every action, thought, word and choice. As a priest of Jesus Christ ordained to serve the Church and teach God’s people in the ways of Divine Truth - the truth that will set us free and pave the way to eternal glory I am compelled to share the following information for your edification, and because I love you and desire that you live in the light of God’s grace. What I am about to share and what you will hear in the video may disturb you because of personal convictions, and some may think I am stepping beyond my official capacity as clergyman, but I must say that this is not true. At no time in life can a Christian or Jew put aside God’s Divine Truths, whether it be in the work place, on vacation, at school, in the home, at a ball game, watching a movie, sitting on the Supreme Court or in the voting booth, and rely merely on personal convictions. As people of free will, we are entitled to our own opinions, but as creatures of God we are not entitled to our own truth. Therefore, what I am about to discuss is not a political statement but a moral/ethical teaching that people of good will and especially Christians and Jews are responsible for learning and putting into practice. It just happens to find itself in a political setting. As voters supporting candidates for any political office, our vote, as much as possible, is a vote for ultimate Truth (once again, we cannot divorce our political choices from God’s ultimate truth). I am not endorsing any political candidate, but I am stating that the Democratic candidates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris must not receive your vote, especially because of the personal convictions of the candidates and the platform that these candidates embrace and endorse that reject the Will of God on the most essential issues regarding life especially abortion and the family, which includes the issues of marriage and gender. (According to the elections polls, forty five percent of Catholics voted Democrat in the last presidential election.) Fr. Meeks will go into detail why we cannot cast this vote (see there video here: https://youtu.be/n2J_iwsMwzE ). Catholic is not a title but an identity; it is who a person is. To say one is a practicing Catholic without at least acknowledging ultimate principles of faith and morals that are Divine and unchangeable, even because of personal preference or disagreement or in an attempt to avoid offending the so called rights and freedom of others, is to say one is not truly Catholic in practice. A person may disagree with a particular Church dogma because of our God-given free will, but we are not exempt from conforming to Divine Truth and the responsibility it brings. Someone can be ignorant of a truth and therefore not be responsible for a particular action. However, each person is always culpable (responsible) for learning and knowing the Truth. This is so even in the legal system: ignorance of the law is no excuse. We are not free to remain in ignorance, especially of what is most important. I pray that you receive my words and those of Fr. Meeks in the spirit they were written and recorded. I love you all and desire that you live enveloped in the love of God and the light of His Truth the Truth that will truly set you free. Please feel free to email or call (718-665-2441, ext. 1#) if you have any questions/concerns/complaints. Please do not call if you are in agreement because I am unable to return the many calls that I have already received over the summer due to my medical condition. Please also propagate the video. I give permission to forward my letter along with it, if you think it would be helpful. May God bless you, your families, America, and the whole world, and may the ultimate triumph over every evil come about through the most heavenly and Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Mother of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and our mother, Fr. Louis Marie Leonelli, CFR

Traditionalist Catholic NYC 27.10.2020

Follow the example of Carmelite Sr. St. Peter and offer the HOLY FACE to God the Father unceasingly for the United States of America in these days leading up to... the 2020 Presidential Election, that the enemies of Christ and His Church will be put asunder and that the Communist, Socialist, Marxist and Atheistic agenda of the Democratic Party will be crushed by the heel of Our Lady! PRAYERS OF SISTER ST. PIERRE GIVEN BY OUR LORD Say daily: Our Father, Hail Mary, & Glory Be in reparation to the HOLY FACE! Ejaculations given by Our Lord for the battle against Communism, April 6, 1847: "May God arise & let His enemies be scattered & let all those who hate Him flee before His Face!" "May the thrice Holy Name of God overthrow all their plans!" "May the Holy Name of the Living God split them up by disagreements!" "May the terrible Name of the God of Eternity stamp out all their godlessness!" "Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ & all the other instruments of His Holy Passion, that You may put division in the camp of Your enemies, for as Your Beloved Son has said, "A kingdom divided against itself shall fall." (Revealed by Our Lord on March 29, 1847 when "Our Lord commanded her to make war on the communists because He said they were the enemies of the Church & of her Christ." On January 23, 1846, Our Lord complained to Sr. St. Peter that the nation is provoking the justice of God and that the HOLY FACE should be offered in reparation or else, the guilty country will reap chastisements. Again, on October 4 Our Lord threatens to punish the world by the "malice of revolutionary men. On November 22, 1846, Sr. St. Peter was asked to offer the HOLY FACE unceasingly for the salvation of the country: "Eternal Father, we offer Thee the adorable Face of Thy Well-beloved Son, for the honor & glory of Thy Holy Name, & for the salvation of our country." (Beginning on December 21, 1846 Sister St. Peter offered the HOLY FACE to the Eternal Father 100 each day for the salvation of the country.)

Traditionalist Catholic NYC 17.10.2020


Traditionalist Catholic NYC 15.10.2020

VOTIVE MASS OF THE PASSION OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST FOR THE GENERATIONAL HEALING OF THE FAMILY TREE Friday, October 30th 6:00 p.m. ... Confessions beginning at 4:45 p.m. (Rosary at 5:15 p.m.) The Shrine & Parish Church of the Holy Innocents 128 W. 37th St., New York City (212) 279-5861 Renewal of Baptismal Promises Prayers of Deliverance Chaplet of Our Lady of Sorrows Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament Anointing with Exorcised Oil Blessing/Exorcism of Water Salt Oil St. Benedict Medals (Medals available from Gift Shop in Parish Office; you must provide your own water, salt and oil) Please fill out the Genogram (available at the rear of the church near the bulletins or take from the bulletin insert) and return it by October 30th via the collection basket, Rectory Office, or any of the collection boxes in the church so it can be placed on the altar. Our Lady of the Apocalypse, pray for us!

Traditionalist Catholic NYC 28.09.2020


Traditionalist Catholic NYC 24.09.2020

GAIN A PLENARY INDULGENCE FOR THE FEAST OF CHRIST THE KING Traditionally, the Sunday preceding the Feast of All Saints is the feast of the Kingship of Our Lord ...Jesus Christ. One may gain a plenary indulgence by the public recitation of the Act of Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and so the Fraternity exhorts all faithful Catholics to offer, or renew, their consecration to the Sacred Heart of our Sovereign Lord. The kingship and empire of Christ have been recognized in the pious custom, practiced by many families, of dedicating themselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus; not only families have performed this act of dedication, but nations, too, and kingdoms. In fact, the whole of the human race was at the instance of Pope Leo XIII, in the Holy Year 1900, consecrated to the Divine Heart. We institute the Feast of the Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ to be observed yearly throughout the whole world on the last Sunday of the month of Octoberthe Sunday, that is, which immediately precedes the Feast of All Saints. We further ordain that the dedication of mankind to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which Our predecessor of saintly memory, Pope Pius X, commanded to be renewed yearly, be made annually on that day. Quas Primas, Encyclical of Pope Pius XI, December 11, 1925 ACT OF CONSECRATION OF THE HUMAN RACE TO THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS 1. Most Sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look down upon us humbly prostrate before Thine altar. We are Thine, and Thine we wish to be; but to be more surely united to Thee, behold each one of us freely consecrates ourselves today to Thy Most Sacred Heart. 2. Many indeed have never known Thee; Many too, despising Thy precepts, have rejected Thee. Have mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus, and draw them to Thy Sacred Heart. Be Thou King, O Lord, not only of the faithful children, who have never forsaken Thee, but also of the prodigal children, who have abandoned Thee; Grant that they may quickly return to their Father’s house lest they die of wretchedness and hunger. 3. Be Thou King of those who are deceived by erroneous opinions, or whom discord keeps aloof, and call them back to the harbor of truth and unity of faith, so that there may be but one flock and one Shepherd. 4. Be Thou King of all those who are still involved in the darkness of idolatry or of Islamism, and refuse not to draw them into the light and kingdom of God. Turn Thine eyes of mercy towards the children of the race, once Thy chosen people: of old they called down upon themselves the Blood of the Savior; may it now descend upon them a laver of redemption and of life. 5. Grant, O Lord, to Thy Church assurance of freedom and immunity from harm; give peace and order to all nations, and make the earth resound from pole to pole with one cry; praise to the Divine Heart that wrought our salvation; To it be glory and honor forever. R. Amen. 1.Dulcísimo Jesús, Redentor del género humano, miradnos hu-mildemente postrados delante de vuestro altar; vuestros somos y vuestros queremos ser y a fin de poder vivir más estrechamente unidos con Vos, todos y cada uno espontáneamente nos consagramos en este día a vuestro Sacratísimo Corazón. 2. Muchos, por desgracia, jamás os han conocido; muchos, despreciando vuestros mandamientos, os han desechado. Oh Jesús benignísimo, compadeceos de los unos y de los otros, y atraedlos a todos a vuestro Corazón Sacratísimo. 3. Oh Señor, sed Rey, no sólo de los hijos fieles que jamás se han alejado de Vos, sino también de los pródigos que os han abandonado; haced que vuelvan pronto a la casa paterna, para que no perezcan de hambre y de miseria. Sed Rey de aquellos que, por seducción del error o por espíritu de discordia, viven separados de Vos devolvedlos al puerto de la verdad y a la unidad de la fe, para que en breve, se forme un solo rebaño bajo un solo Pastor. 4. Sed Rey de los que permanecen todavía envueltos en las tinieblas de la idolatría o del islamismo; dignaos atraerlos a todos a la luz de vuestro reino. Mirad, finalmente, con ojos de misericordia a los hijos de aquel pueblo que en otro tiempo fue vuestro predilecto: descienda también sobre ellos como bautismo de redención y de vida, la sangre que un día contra sí reclamaron. 5. Conceded, oh Señor, incolumidad y libertad segura a vuestra Iglesia; otor-gad a todos los pueblos la tran-quilidad en el orden; haced que del uno al otro confín de la tierra no suene sino esta voz: ¡Alabado sea el Corazón Divino, causa de nuestra salud, a Él se entonen cánticos de honor y de gloria por los siglos de los siglos! Amén.

Traditionalist Catholic NYC 22.09.2020

Traditional Latin Masses and Sacred Liturgical Rites for the Feast of Christ the King Sunday, October 25, 2020 St. Agnes Church, Manhattan... 9:00 A.M. - Missa Cantata Holy Innocents Shrine and Parish Church, Manhattan 6:00 A.M. - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 40 Hours Devotion 9:00 A.M. - Low Mass 10:30 A.M. - Missa Cantata before the Blessed Sacrament Exposed, Coram Sanctissimo, followed by the Litanies, Prayers, Psalms, Procession and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament 2:30 P.M. - Solemn Vespers and Benediction Our Lady of Mount Carmel Pontifical Shrine and Parish Church, Manhattan 10:30 A.M. - Missa Cantata 2:30 P.M. - Missa Cantata 4:00 P.M. - Solemn Vespers and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament Holy Rosary Church, Adee Avenue, Bronx 1:15 P.M. - Missa Cantata St. Paul the Apostle Church, McLean Avenue, Yonkers 1:30 P.M. - Adoration of the Blessed Sacramemt 2:30 P.M. - Latin Mass St. Josaphat's Church, Bayside 9:30 A.M. - Missa Cantata Our Lady of Peace, Carroll Street, Brooklyn 9:30 A.M. - Latin Mass Transfiguration Church, Maspeth 12:30 P.M. - Latin Mass St. Cecilia's Church, Brooklyn 7:00 P.M. - Low Mass with Hymns

Traditionalist Catholic NYC 05.09.2020

Viva Cristo Rey! Join us tomorrow as we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King according to the Extraordinary Form, Traditional Calendar! Sunday, October 25..., 2020 10:30 A.M. - Latin Missa Cantata, 1962 Missal 2:30 P.M. - Latin Missa Cantata, 1962 Missal 4:00 P.M. - Traditional Latin Solemn Vespers (Evening Prayer) and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament

Traditionalist Catholic NYC 27.08.2020

BLESSED JERZY POPIELUSZKO Blessed Fr. Jerzy Popieuszko was born on September 14, 1947 in Okopy in the Podlasie region. He spent his early childhood in the vill...age of his origin, where his parents, Marianna and Wadysaw, owned a small land estate. In nearby Suchowola, he graduated from elementary school and high school; there he also became involved with the parish ministry as an altar boy. After graduating from high school in 1965, he entered the Theological Seminary in Warsaw. The climate of deep religious life in his family home, permeated with Marian devotion, formed in it from an early age traits of strong spirituality, which over time led him to a deep, mature faith and extraordinary pastoral service. Jerzy learned from his family home that God and God's things are the most important values in life, During his seminar studies in 1966-1968, he served compulsory military service in a special military unit in Bartoszyce. Here he showed great courage and perseverance in maintaining his beliefs and religious attitudes, for which he faced constant harassment and punishments from the military command. The stay in the unit severely damaged his health. Soon after returning to the Seminary, he had to spend a long time in the hospital undergoing thyroid surgery. After ordination in 1972, he served as a vicar in the parishes near Warsaw in Zbki (1972-1975) and Anin (1975-1978), and then in Warsaw, in the Infant Jesus parish. In 1979-1980 he conducted catechesis for medical students at the university church of St. Anna. For health reasons, in 1980 he was transferred as a resident to the parish of St. Stanisaw Kostka in oliborz. Since the August strikes in "Huta Warszawa", he has been very generously associated with the pastoral work of the world of work, understanding it as a pressing pastoral challenge for the Church of that time and an extraordinary opportunity to evangelize work environments, previously subjected to mass atheization. After the introduction of martial law, this direction of the ministry of Fr. Jerzy found even greater depth in the wide-ranging pastoral care of the persecuted, suffering from physical and moral suffering or poverty. From January 1982, he was very actively involved in the monthly Holy Masses for the Homeland, soon giving them extraordinary momentum and spiritual depth, which began to attract more and more crowds of participants to these liturgical meetings. In special homilies - based on social encyclicals and preaching by John Paul II and Cardinal Stefan Wyszyski - he took up the burning topics of religious and moral renewal, which were related to current social and political issues. In this context, he also spoke about the painful problems of the rulers' trampling on elementary human rights, human dignity, breaking conscience, forced atheization and programmatic depravity to which society is subjected by the political system. This teaching was in fact nothing more than a reminder of the social teaching of the Church. As a reaction to this service, the communist powers launched a campaign of defamation and repression against him on a very large scale, presenting him as a dangerous troublemaker of the social order, a political agitator, and finally accusing him of political anti-state activities, which was accompanied by constant provocations of the police and court actions. On the night of October 19, 1984, after leading October Rosary Devotions, he was kidnapped by officers of the secret services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and brutally murdered. The funeral, which was spontaneously called "historical" due to its religious and patriotic significance and over half a million of its participants, took place in Warsaw on November 3. The body of the martyred priest was laid to rest in oliborz, where he conducted his pastoral ministry. The spreading fame of the martyrdom of Fr. Jerzy Popieuszko, which was born spontaneously after his death, which was accompanied by the fame of the sanctity of life, unusually numerous favors - recorded directly in hundreds of cases - attributed to his intercession with God, then requests from Poland and abroad to the Bishop of Warsaw or also directly to the Holy See for the appropriateness of starting the beatification procedure, led in 1997 to the opening by card. Primate Józef Glemp of the canonical beatification process. Fr. Jerzy Popieluszko was beatified on June 6, 2010 in Warsaw, Poland by Archbishop Angelo Amato on behalf of Pope Benedict XVI. The Church awaits his canonization.

Traditionalist Catholic NYC 23.08.2020

"The declared enemies of God and His Church, heretics and schismatics, must be criticized as much as possible, as long as truth is not denied. It is a work of charity to shout: 'Here is the wolf!' when it enters the flock or anywhere else." Saint Francis de Sales

Traditionalist Catholic NYC 20.08.2020

FATIMA AND THE EUCHARIST by Rev. Fr. James L. P. Miara His Excellency, Joao Pereira Venancio who was the Second Bishop of the Diocese of Leiria-Fatima fro...m 1958 until 1968, when asked to summarize the Message of Fatima, said: Fatima is reparation, reparation, reparation and especially Eucharistic Reparation. Fatima is very Eucharistic. This is made evident when one visits that Sanctuary in Portugal. All is centered on the Eucharist. There is a Chapel of Perpetual Adoration where our Eucharistic Lord has been exposed in the monstrance and adored since 1960, the year Pope St. John XXIII opened the third part of the Secret of Fatima. There are several Religious Houses around the Shrine whose apostolate is adoration of the Real Presence in their chapels. During the summer months a procession of the Most Blessed Sacrament takes place in the precincts of the Shrine each Sunday afternoon as well as on each Thursday following the evening Candlelight Rosary. Mention must also be made of the hundreds of thousands of Holy Masses which have been offered at the Capelinha (Little Chapel of the Apparitions) since 1921, sometimes beginning as early as 4:30 a.m. and continuing all day, seven days a week, as well as in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima which overlooks the Cova da Ira. Yes, Fatima is very Eucharistic. As the late Fatima Priest Fr. Robert J. Fox repeated, every authentic Marian Apparition leads to Jesus in the Eucharist. Fatima begins with the Eucharist. In 1916 the Angel of Peace of Portugal, whom many believe was St. Michael the Archangel, visited the three little shepherd children Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta to prepare them for the visit of Our Lady one year later. He told them to pray and to make reparation for sin. During his third and final apparition in the Fall, he came holding a chalice and above it a Host from which a few drops of blood flowed into the chalice. Leaving the Host and chalice suspended in mid-air, he prostrated himself with his forehead to the ground and repeated three times a prayer which has become known as the Angel’s Prayer: O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore You profoundly and I offer You the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference by which He is offended. And by the infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg the conversion of poor sinners. Lucia recounts in her memoirs that after the angel had done this he rose, took the chalice and the Host, giving the Host to Lucia and the contents of the chalice to Jacinta and Francisco saying at the same time: Take and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, horribly outraged by ungrateful men. Repair their crimes and console your God. This was the First Holy Communion of the Fatima children, received in the usual way of kneeling and on the tongue. Also to be noted is that Holy Communion was distributed under both species as is done in the Easter Rite Liturgies of the Catholic Church, highlighting the fact that the Church breathes with the two lungs of the East and the West, as Pope St. John Paul II was want to say. Lucia then reports that the three made their thanksgiving after Holy Communion by prostrating with the Angel and again repeating the Angel’s Prayer three more times before he departed. That is the beginning of Fatima. Fatima ends with the Eucharist with the so-called Last Vision of Fatima which Sr. Lucia saw in the Dorothean Convent Chapel in Tuy, Spain. This Eucharistic Vision or Vision of the Most Holy Trinity is a summary of the Fatima Message and shows how all the basics of the Holy Catholic Faith are connected to the Eucharist. In her memoirs Sr. Lucia described the vision: Suddenly the whole chapel was illuminated by a supernatural light, and a cross of light appeared above the altar, reaching to the ceiling. In a bright light at the upper part of the cross could be seen the face of a man and his body to the waist (Father) on his breast there was a dove also of light (Holy Spirit) and, nailed to the cross, was the body of another man (Son). Somewhat above the waist, I could see a chalice and a large host suspended in the air, on to which drops of blood were falling from the face of Jesus Crucified and from the wound in His side. These drops ran down on to the host and fell into the chalice. Our Lady was beneath the right arm of the cross (it was Our Lady of Fatima with her Immaculate Heartin her left handwith a crown of thorns and flames) Under the left arm of the cross, large letters, as of crystal-clear water which ran down over the altar, formed these words: Graces and Mercy. I understood that it was the Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity which was shown to me. Our Lady then said to me: ‘The moment has come when God asks the Holy Father, in union with all the bishops of the world, to make the Consecration of Russia to my Heart, promising to save it by this means.’ Some of the happenings at Fatima between these two great events are directly connected with the Eucharist. Our Lady’s apparitions at Fatima began on May 13th which is the Feast of Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, and at each of her six apparitions She appeared dressed as a First Communicant in a white dress and veil. In the first apparition Our Lady asked the three seers: Will you offer yourselves to God, and bear all the sufferings He sends you in atonement for all the sins that offend Him and for the conversion of sinners? Lucia replied: "Oh, we will, we will!" Our Lady warned them: Then you will have a great deal to suffer, but the grace of God will be with you and will strengthen you. Lucia relates that as Our Lady pronounced these words, she opened her hands, and the three children were bathed in a heavenly light that appeared to come directly from her hands. The light's reality cut into their hearts and souls, and they knew that this light was God. Sr. Lucia wrote in her memoirs: We could see ourselves embraced in it. By an interior impulse of grace, we fell to our knees, repeating in our hearts: "Oh, Most Holy Trinity, I adore You. My God, my God, I love You in the Most Blessed Sacrament." During the July apparition Our Lady told the three little shepherds that she would come to ask for the First Saturday Communion of Reparation which she did on December 10, 1925 while Sr. Lucia was living at the Dorothean convent in Pontevedra, Spain, and thus was born the Five First Saturday Devotion, the heart of this devotion being offering one’s Holy Communion on that day in reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The last eucharistic element of the actual six apparitions of Our Lady occurred on October 13 when Our Lady asked that a chapel be built in her honor in the Cova da Ira at the exact spot she appeared. A chapel is used primarily to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and to have a dignified place in which to reserve the Blessed Sacrament for adoration. After the Fatima events of 1917, the children were changed. They loved to hear Holy Mass and desired to receive Jesus in Holy Communion. Francisco knew from the first apparition of Our Lady that his time on earth was going to be short and so he no longer went to school but would spend a good part of his day in the parish church adoring the Hidden Jesus in the tabernacle. Francisco would go right up to the altar, rest his arms on the mensa and just gaze at the tabernacle where he knew the good Lord was so lonely. Francisco devoutly received Holy Communion for the last time on his deathbed, going into ecstasy when Jesus was placed on his tongue. Jacinta was not as fortunate as her brother. She begged to receive Holy Communion when she was dying but the priest delayed his visit thinking she would survive the night. Jacinta’s only consolation was living under the same roof with the Eucharistic Jesus when she spent some time at that orphanage in Ourem. She spent hours in the chapel. Jacinta received some messages from Our Lady and would report them to Mother Godinho, the superior of the orphanage. Many times, Jacinta would say to her: How disrespectful people are to Our Lord when they are in church. Our Lady is displeased if people do not show proper respect to the Blessed Sacrament. Without doubt, St. Jacinta and St. Francisco can be counted among the great Eucharistic Saints. It was revealed at Fatima that in the end the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph. Many believe that triumph will be a eucharistic one. Mary triumphs when souls are sanctified, when souls are led not only to her Immaculate Heart but through her to the supreme sacrifice perpetuated in the Holy Eucharist where her Son abides. Continuing his summary of the Fatima message, Bishop Venancio concluded: Fatima is devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary leading us to her Son Jesus Christ, in reparation for sins and for the conversion of all poor sinners, especially through Eucharistic Reparation. As devotees of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima let us make reparation to the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar by following the examples of the three little shepherd children and console our Lord for all of the blasphemies, sacrileges and indifferences committed against Him by ungrateful men. In his second apparition to the children, the Guardian Angel of Portugal told them to make everything they do a sacrifice and to offer it in supplication for poor sinners. We can repair for these offences by making visits to the Blessed Sacrament, praying Eucharistic Holy Hours and All-night Vigils, making Spiritual Communions, and by attending Holy Mass devoutly and reverently as often as we can.

Traditionalist Catholic NYC 04.08.2020


Traditionalist Catholic NYC 18.07.2020

TODAY IS THE FEAST OF BLESSED KARL OF AUSTRIA (1922) - October 21st LAST EMPEROR OF AUSTRIA His reverence for the Most Blessed Sacrament: Blessed Karl lived un...der the glory of the Blessed Sacrament. The rays of grace from this splendor attracted him, and he loved to visit the tabernacle. Whether stressed by the strains of government or just the ordinary beginning of his day, he sought guidance and solace before Jesus Christ in the tabernacle. Wherever he lived, he sought to have a private chapel where the Blessed Sacrament could be reserved. His devotion to the Eucharist manifested itself even in small details, such as his concern that the sanctuary lamp should never be allowed to go out. Several times a day he would say: I must go to see if the altar light is still burning. When he said this, everyone knew that he would be away for some time kneeling and praying before the Blessed Sacrament. The depths of his prayer and meditation were so great that he was often unaware of what was occurring around him. For instance, he frequently was so caught up in prayer that he did not realize that the collection basket was being passed. In order not to disturb him, Empress Zita talked him into holding his offering in his hand from the beginning of Mass so that she could nudge his arm to drop the money into the basket at the appropriate time. Father Maurus Carnot, O.S.B., said about Emperor Karl: In Disentis [Switzerland], it did not matter whether it was snowing or if there were snow drifts, he was always punctual for Holy Mass at the Church of Saint Mary, where he would receive Holy Communion during the masses that Crown Prince Otto, with his boyish curly hair, would serve... During the Emperor’s fatal illness, he had the strongest longings to frequently receive Holy Communion. Holy Mass was regularly celebrated in the drawing room adjacent to his sick room. At first the door was left ajar so that he could follow the masses without losing privacy or risk infecting others, but he soon requested that the door be left wide open saying: I do so want to see the altar! He was so respectful of the Eucharist that he was not going to receive because he was afraid that his constant coughing might profane the host, but remarkably, during the holy rites his coughing stopped completely and he was able to take Communion. It was as if he were compelled by the Lord to receive Holy Communion. When he asked the Empress to tell the priest that he wished to receive Communion, she told him that it was not possible because Countess Mensdorff was going to receive the only host consecrated. Emperor Karl could not be dissuaded, so Empress Zita went to the priest and saw that he too must have had an inner voice because he had consecrated an additional host for the Emperor. As Emperor Karl lived, so did he die. In life he was united with our Eucharistic Lord, and the Blessed Sacrament was the center of his life when he died. Half an hour before he died he wished to receive Holy Communion. Although his face was pale and drawn from his long, tiring struggle with illness, his face radiated with joy as he received the Eucharist. This radiance remained on his face after his death. During the Emperor’s final moments, Father Zsámboki held the Blessed Sacrament before his eyes, and in the presence of the Eucharist he said his final words: Thy Will be done, Jesus, Jesus, come! With his final breath, he whispered: Jesus! He now entered that eternal light, which is symbolized by the sanctuary lamp he had so carefully attended in his chapel. Prayer: My Lord and God, according to the marvelous example of Your servant, Emperor Karl, I will visit You in the tabernacle frequently, and receive You with joy and longing in the most Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist. Hear my petitions and grant my requests through the intercession of Blessed Emperor Karl of Austria. Amen