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Dr Mark Sanders, ND 09.12.2020

Dr. Tim Sumerlin shared this article when the Holidays seem blue. Spend some time this month with your "blueness." By this I mean, take time to grieve your loss. It's OK to go back to the emotions of your loss and recall past memories. Cry when tears come. Weep when many tears come. Engage your loss and plumb some of the depths of the hurt. Emotions are blessings and are neither good or badthey just are. Be OK with emotions over the loss of a loved one. Remember, with great ...love comes great pain. For every day that there is sunshine, there will be days of rain, it's how we dance within them both that shows our love and pain. Joey Tolbert Cherish your happy memories with gratitude and fondness. See your glass as half full instead of half empty. Pull out the picture albums and reminisce the joy of friends and family. Take time to thankful the blessings in your life big or small. Discuss the older ornaments on your Christmas tree with your kids or spouse to remind yourself of their specialness. Determine to honor the good times as well as the challenging times. Create new memories. Think of those who you love and cherish. Create new memories for others to enjoy. Focus on the living and how you can be a blessing to their lives and build memories that will last. Serve the needy. This holiday season, reach out to those less fortunate. Visit a lonely neighbor or go downtown to serve the homeless. Call a relative who has become estranged from the family. Think of other unique ways to serve. It may turn your blue Christmas red. https://www.usatoday.com//blue-christmas-how-c/2303949002/ #bluechristmas #DisciplesInMotion #TimSumerlin

Dr Mark Sanders, ND 01.12.2020

My wife went walking on a windy day. Out of respect she crossed the street when she saw other walkers approaching maintaining at least 30 feet separation. I was having coffee outside and the nearest occupied table was quite some distance way. It's occupants coughed. The wind blew i our direction and my friend started coughing. I wish I was just making this up but I'm not. Windy days or air conditioned areas just are a bit different. More caution and distance are advisable. ht...tps://bmjopen.bmj.com/conte/bmjopen//11/e041397.full.pdf https://www.clinicallabmanager.com//covid-19-is-6-feet-eno https://www.latimes.com//five-minutes-from-20-feet-away-so #WindyDays #SocialDistancing #GreaterDistancePhysicalBetweenUs

Dr Mark Sanders, ND 22.11.2020

My wife never felt good after drinking milk. She’s not alone, on average, Researchers found that 61 percent of people studied were lactose intolerant, with a range of 2 percent in Denmark and 100 percent in Zambia. Alternative non-dairy Milks https://www.goodhousekeeping.com//best-milk-alternative-s/... #lactoseintolerance #GotMilk #LookForAlternatives #milkalternative

Dr Mark Sanders, ND 06.11.2020

Probably most of you have shared Julia Ioffe's experience: Doctors Tell Me I Have COVID. Why Won't the Tests? The shift from diagnostics to tests defining what our bodies are telling us. #COVD19 #FalseNegative #UnderTheThresholdOfDetection #DiagnosisBasedOnSymptoms https://www.gq.com//julia-ioffe-false-negative-covid-testi

Dr Mark Sanders, ND 02.11.2020

..."christmas"..1918..original poster...fort devens museum....devens..massachusetts...

Dr Mark Sanders, ND 30.10.2020

How do you prefer to engage in conversation? Women prefer to stand face-to-face. Men are more apt to stand side-by-side. When talking to your spouse or your teen, you may benefit from this tip. #Conversation https://www.psychologytoday.com//why-you-stand-side-side-o

Dr Mark Sanders, ND 24.10.2020

When should I get a COVID Test? When your SARSCoV-2 RNA is above the level of limits of detection (Think of Pregnancy Tests) While early research on asymptomatic transmission has shown that some asymptomatic individuals will test positive two to three days before developing symptoms, we would definitely not expect a positive diagnostic test for COVID-19 one day after exposure. What if I have COVID-19 symptoms and my test comes back negative?... The only thing that negative test can tell you is that, at that particular moment in time, your sample did not show viral levels high enough to be reliably measured. It does not mean you were not exposed and infected during your travels. It does not mean you were not exposed and infected after your arrival. Do you want to visit your grandparents after flying into Boston? Isolate and self quarantine for 14 days first. https://www.fda.gov/media/136256/download What does it mean if the specimen tests negative for the virus that causes COVID-19? A negative test result for this test means that SARSCoV-2 RNA was not present in the specimen above the limit of detection. However, a negative result does not rule out COVID-19 and should not be used as the sole basis for treatment or patient management decisions. Please remember if you have any of the following: Fever or chills Cough Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Fatigue Muscle or body aches Headache New loss of taste or smell Sore throat Congestion or runny nose Nausea or vomiting Diarrhea * New raspy voice Old time medicine would say isolate and self-quarantine. Support your immune system. Don't assume that because your COVID-19 was negative and have symptoms that you are not infectious. https://www.cnn.com//2020/h/coronavirus-questions-answers/ https://medical.mit.edu/covid-19-//when-should-i-be-tested

Dr Mark Sanders, ND 24.10.2020

Goodbye, U.S.D.A., Hello, Department of Food and Well-Being could this become our new direction with President Elect Biden's selection of Secretary of Agriculture? Naturopathic Oath: To co-operate with the healing powers of nature...To teach the principles of healthy living and preventative medicine. Original Hippocratic Oath: ..I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgement, and I will do no harm or injustice t...o them.... https://www.nytimes.com//usda-agriculture-secretary-biden. #FoodAndWellBeing #healingpowerofnature #dietaryregimens

Dr Mark Sanders, ND 15.10.2020

Death doulas, as they are also known, help someone at the end of their life with dying, just like birth doulas help at the beginning of life with the birthing process. Death Doulas journey with the person who’s dying and their family to help them navigate through the whole end-of-life process, said Janie Rakow, president of the International End of Life Doula Association (INELDA) based in Jersey City, New Jersey. https://www.healthline.com//how-death-doulas-can-help-peop #deathdoula #support #NonMedicalSupport #NonJudgmentalSupport #FamilyCenteredApproach #HolisticCare #Empowerment #TeamMembers #death #transitioning

Dr Mark Sanders, ND 11.10.2020

Hippocratic Oath as sworn upon graduation from naturopathic medical school I dedicate myself to the service of humanity as a practitioner of the art and science of naturopathic medicine. By precept, education and example, I will assist and encourage others to strengthen their health, reduce risks for disease, and preserve the health of our planet for ourselves and future generations. I will continually endeavour to improve my abilities. I will conduct my life and practice of ...naturopathic medicine with integrity and freedom from prejudice. I will keep confident what should not be divulged. I will honor the principles of naturopathic medicine: First, to do no harm. To co-operate with the healing powers of nature. To address the fundamental causes of disease. To heal the whole person through individualized treatment. To teach the principles of healthy living and preventative medicine. With my whole heart, before these witnesses, as a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, I pledge to remain true to this oath.https://aanmc.org/about/naturopathic-medical-doctors-oath/ The Original and modern Hippocratic Oath https://www.medicinenet.com/hippocratic_oath/definition.htm #hippocraticoath

Dr Mark Sanders, ND 06.10.2020

How’s it going? How do you feel? How are you dealing with all this? #HowsItGoing #HowDoYouFeel ... #HowAreYouDealing #HowAreYouCoping #SlowDown #GetPastTheTrite #CareForOthers #CareForNeighbor #Listen See more

Dr Mark Sanders, ND 02.10.2020

Along with other Coronaviruses like the common cold, Dr. Shaman hypotheses that "SARS-CoV-2 will likely settle into a pattern of endemicity"...Whether reinfections will be commonplace, how often they will occur, how contagious re-infected individuals will be, and whether the risk of severe clinical outcomes changes with subsequent infection remain to be understood. https://www.publichealth.columbia.edu//will-covid-19-virus

Dr Mark Sanders, ND 24.09.2020

Recently quite a few people have shared that they have been experiencing ear pain and have tried multiple treatment both allopathic and naturopathic without relief. While I never studies this use of Hydrogen Peroxide in school, my wife has said it has helped her. The Australian Hospital organization has a nice handout https://www.nh.org.au///02/Hydrogen-Peroxide-Ear-Drops.pdf http://naturalhealthymedicine.com/hydrogen-peroxide-can-cl/... #EarInfection #EarPain #HydrogenPeroxide #HomeRemedies

Dr Mark Sanders, ND 21.09.2020

With the passing of a dear friend's sister, I am reminded of the dark side of COVID-19's impact on mental health and wanted to provide resources. Earlier this year, Lorna Breen, Emergency Room Physician in my wife's department, suicide has raised awareness of mental health of health care provider. https://drlornabreen.org/ No one is immune. Please reach out. #SuicidePreventionResourceCenter #Family #Workplace #FaithCommunities #HispanicLationos #LGBTQ #OlderAdults #Teenagers #ParentsAndCaregivers #AmericanIndians #nativeamerican #HealthCareWorkers #FirstResponders #Schools #ColegesAndUniversities #covid19 #Pause

Dr Mark Sanders, ND 03.09.2020

October is ADHD awareness month. https://adhdawarenessmonth.org/ #ADHDAwarenessMonth #LookBelowTheSurface

Dr Mark Sanders, ND 23.08.2020

#wearingiscaring https://www.wearingppeiscaring.org/

Dr Mark Sanders, ND 08.08.2020

"The randomness of death and its speed and tendency to kill off the healthiest brought that terror home. The media and public officials helped create that terror not by exaggerating the disease but by minimizing it. In their attempts to reassure the public. Terror rises in the dark of the mind, an unknown beast tracking us in the jungle. All good horror movie builds upon the fear of the unknown. The uncertain threat that we cannot see, do not know and from which we can find n...o safe haven. In every horror movie once the monster appears terror condenses into the concrete and diminishes. Fear remains but the edge of panic created by the unknown dissipates. " "Those who occupy positions of authority must lessen the panic than can alienate the members of a society. A society that takes as its motto every man for himself is no longer a civilized society. Those in authority must retain the public's trust. The way to do that is to distort nothing., to put the best face on nothing, to try to manipulate no one. Lincoln said that first and best, 'A leader must make whatever horror exist concrete. Only then will people be able to break it apart.'" Afterwards, The Great Influenza by John M Barry & Scott Brick The Concrete: Michael Osterholm's COVID-19 Podcasts and Webinars https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/podcasts-webinars

Dr Mark Sanders, ND 28.07.2020

In honor of Indigenous Peoples Day let us remember their amazing contributions to the natural medicine. https://www.nlm.nih.gov//healing-ways//healing-plants.html

Dr Mark Sanders, ND 20.07.2020

Dr. Fauci presented at Grand Rounds at Harvard in September. Two points stood out to me. Likely the 4 common cold coronaviruses were at one time in our history, a pandemic and may have in fact been much more serious than what they are now the relatively benign common cold. Maybe even now some low level exposures result in more frequent... - migraines ... - scratchy throat/ raspy voice - achy muscles - cough - GI upset - tired I encourage you keep practicing Preventative Measures and supporting your immune system now so that we can come back together. We can decrease transmission. https://masscpr.hms.harvard.edu//harvard-medical-school-gr Dr. Fauci’s January 2020 comments on Coronavirus. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2759815

Dr Mark Sanders, ND 16.07.2020

While I do not speak Spanish, I want to support efforts to reach the Spanish speaking community about COVID. A group Dubbed Nerdy Girls by an appreciative reader, the team of 10 women PhDs brings expertise from public health, medicine, and beyond, and represent broad geographic, political, cultural, and ethnic diversity. Most of the original posts in Spanish are written by Albrecht who is Ecuadorian-American and was raised in a bilingual household, but the group was recentl...y awarded pilot funds to support more extensive Spanish translation of their English language content. https://www.facebook.com/QueridaPandemia/ #Español #COVID19 #nerdygirls #staysafe #staysane https://www.facebook.com/dearpandemic/